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Caring for your 14k gold filled earrings and necklaces

To ensure the lasting beauty of your Gold filled jewelry, consider the following care tips. Don’t stress any of these too much, but I’d say they’re more important for necklaces since they make so much more contact with your skin.

  • Avoid Exposure to Harsh Environments: Refrain from wearing gold fill jewelry in the ocean or pool, as exposure to saltwater and chlorine can potentially damage the metal.

  • Gym Precautions: Natural chemicals present in sweat can negatively interact with the metal. Take off before sweating or clean off afterwards.

  • Substances like perfume, sunscreen, hairspray, and lotions contain chemicals that may cause damage over time. I would say to try to avoid these, but I know that’s pretty impossible

  • Take your jewelry off before bed to prevent the accumulation of body chemicals on the metal.


  • Daily Maintenance:

Wipe your jewelry daily with a soft cloth. If you've been active or used perfumes and lotions, rinse the piece under lukewarm water and dry it with a cloth.

  • Deep Cleaning:

For a more thorough cleaning, soak your jewelry in a bowl of lukewarm water with a touch of mild soap for about a minute. Gently wash and then dry with a towel. Use a soft toothbrush for intricate pieces, avoiding excessive rubbing to prevent discoloration.

  • Storage Tips:

Store your gold fill jewelry in a dry or airtight place. The drier the storage environment, the longer the sheen of your jewelry will last.

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